Wednesday, April 13, 2011

GAME Plan Future

Next year I feel like for my students to fully benefit from the GAME plan I should use it from the very start.  A whole semester would be needed for my students to learn everything that I could teach them in this manner.  The GAME plan process takes a lot of time and revision.  To help my students develop proficiency in the technology standards I would have to spend a lot of time with them in the computer lab.  I wish my hands were untied but policy keeps me from doing a lot of things that I would like to do.  Maybe next year I can reach out to some of my colleagues and work towards this change.  A partner in crime would help a lot.  I am also thinking about talking to the other English teacher who deals with the kinds of students that I have and maybe working together on a couple of lessons.  Maybe we could make our year more enjoyable and less of a fight for control. 


Parks' Page said...

Sometimes it seems like teaching is one step forward then two steps back, which prevents or slows us down in reaching our goal. I do not understand exactly what school issues you are having to deal with, but I am sending you positive thoughts. Yes, if you can find a partner in crime or some cohort that shares your visions or at least some of them, this would help you tremendously and hopefully provide venting sessions from someone in the same trenches as you. Even if you could embark on a project involving the computers every few/several weeks, at least this is a plan and some kind of consistency. Also, could you use your own phone or video camera and capture your students' work/input and then you can download to finish the project on your own. At least this way, your students would be working on more than one technology project every so often. What do you think? I recently bought a flip camera and love all of the uses it has! Good luck and it seems as if you have your GAME plan ready for next year!

S. Rueger said...


My media center has flip cameras that can be checked out for students to use. I have thought about using my own cell phone but I don't know how the administrators will react to that. Recently I was pulled into the office and asked if I allowed my students to use cell phones because it is against our districts policy. I have let my students pull them out for research purposes and I have told students to put them away if they are using them for the wrong reasons. We are supposed to take them if they are visible and the school will charge them $10 dollars to get their phones back. The question is do they care about the progression of technology or is this policy about money?
