Sunday, July 8, 2012

Video Presentation: Post Storyboard on Blog

I have images that I have set up for this project and they will go in the power point presentation.  However, I am having trouble uploading the photos to my blog.  If anyone know how to do this please respond and let me know what I am doing wrong.

Title: What is Plagiarism and how to deal with it in distance education

By Sadie Rodgers

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism- using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as your own,

Definition taken from

Slide Title: Examples of plagiarism

• Copying and pasting online sources, text, or any information that is not your original work

• Using your work previously submitted and not giving proper credit

• Using audio, video or photographs without citations (acknowledgement)

• Using a family/friends work and taking credit for it as if it were your own

• Quoting without using quotation marks

• Getting written work off the internet and trying to pass it off as your own

Slide Title: Preventing Plagiarism

• Do not copy and paste but use your own words for an assignment

• Always cite your sources and give credit where it is due

• use quotation marks and in-text citations

• When taking notes write down the citation information for you to use later

• Do not use anyone else’s work and claim it as your own

Detection and remediation


• (Images were taken from this site.)

Title: What is Plagiarism and how to deal with it in distance education

By Sadie Rodgers

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism- using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as your own,

Definition taken from

Slide Title: Examples of plagiarism

• Copying and pasting online sources, text, or any information that is not your original work

• Using your work previously submitted and not giving proper credit

• Using audio, video or photographs without citations (acknowledgement)

• Using a family/friends work and taking credit for it as if it were your own

• Quoting without using quotation marks

• Getting written work off the internet and trying to pass it off as your own

Slide Title: Preventing Plagiarism

• Do not copy and paste but use your own words for an assignment

• Always cite your sources and give credit where it is due

• use quotation marks and in-text citations

• When taking notes write down the citation information for you to use later

• Do not use anyone else’s work and claim it as your own

Detection and remediation


• (Images were taken from this site.)


Christine Moore said...


Very timely topic and your outline shows you have thought this out! Nice job!

I do want to comment, however, on the statement you made regarding the final being a PowerPoint. The rubric says the video cannot be a PowerPoint or other slides that were put into video format and that less than 25% can be screen shots or downloaded video. When I was creating my storyboard, I went back and looked at the rubric and saw this. Then Lynda posted it on my blog, as well. Not sure if you caught that, and wanted to let you know - just in case!

S. Rueger said...

Thank you very much.