Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Connectivism Mindmap

  • How has your network changed the way you learn? 
    • I know this seems odd but networking has not changed the way I learn.  Personally I like to do things alone.  
  • Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you? 
    • None of these tools are better then the other for me.  I have been struggling with blogging, wikis and Google Plus.  When it comes to collaboration I have struggled.
  • How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions?
    • When I have questions I would rather go up to someone and ask them face to face or read the information in a book or online myself.

Thursday, January 10, 2013



Howard Rhinegold talked about how in history humans have found ways to work with each other for the greater good.  He used the example of hunting big game and that it is impossible for one person to take down a mastodon.  Humans would have to come together to kill such a creature.  Personally I believe that humans only like to come together when it serves a common goal.  Most of the time people like to do things as individuals.
In my classroom whenever I mention group work there seems to be a wave of groans and questions of can I work by myself.  Technology can facilitate collaboration amongst learners because it can help elevate some of the fears and concerns that students have when it comes to collaborative assignments.  A student’s participation and contributions can be tracked and this helps the grading process. 
I found this link of useful resources and I would like to share it with everyone:  there are lots of resources available for free.    The research study that I would like to point my classmates to is located at:
Burger, S., & McFarland, M. (2009). Action Research and Wikis: An Effective Collaboration. Library Media Connection, 28(2), 38-40.
 Rheingold, H. (2008, February). Howard Rheingold on collaboration [Video file]. Retrieved from